Whatsapp for All

Hi All,
WHATSAPP is an Application which is compatible for almost all Android and Windows and Apple Phones in the Market.

In common general terms,i Think.....and Present.......

Its an Application which the User has to install by accepting the Market Conditions.
Once the APP gets download,ususally it automatically gets installed into the machine(Phone).

During the Installation,More the programme works on the contacts list of your phone and Sim(not sure).
Then it gets the data or status of the Contacts which already i installed in their machines.
And from that point,you can view the updated Profile Pics of your Known Friends and Relatives and Work Collegues.

Even if you add some number ,in your phone you can find his Profile Status.

In another way...almost finds the True Caller kind of informations ,
1)You can know if it is she or he.
2)You can see the Profile Pic
3)You can send or Communicate to Your Contact -the offline Message.
4)You can share Audio
5)You can share Video(based on your phone internal and N/W compatibility)
6)You send the Text Messages.
Even you can Chat like an Online Chat Messenger.
7)You can create a Group(add your friends ,collegues,relatives)based on the Content of data you are posting.
8)Provides Security of information
9)Acts as quick  platform for info-exchange.
10)Good Look and feel ,easy to navigate even without much handson experience.

Overall ------->Excellent ,Easy,Enjoyable


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